Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Trip to the Island

Anacapa Island that is. I've lived in Ventura for over 30 years and went to Anacapa Island for the first time yesterday with Buddy's 3rd grade class. Between the two classes and adults there were about 100 of us on the trip yesterday. The weather was gorgeous and the ocean was calm. Anacapa is about 14 miles from Ventura Harbor and took us about one and a half hours to get there. On the way over we were treated to one of the most awesome sights I've ever seen. A mega pod of dolphins. It's hard to explain just how many dolphins were out there and very hard to tell by these pictures.
They were every where, all around the boat. The captain explained a mega pod as 1,000s of dolphins - as many as 300 on the surface and 3 times that amount under the surface. It was truly spectacular.

Also on the way over we were greeted by a couple of whales. According to the Captain it's mating season so they were, you know....

It was very chilly on the way over.

When we arrived we were transported from our boat to the beach by little "dingies". That took a hecka long time to unload.

Once we all made it ashore they children were told to explore the little beach to find something for the "Naturalist" to discuss. There were plenty of shells, rocks, sticks and sea urchins.
After our discussion on the beach we hiked up the little mountain to get to the other side so we could get to the tide pools.
My heart was racing as I watched Buddy go up this little mountain (I'm afraid of heights and even more afraid when my baby is not within an arms reach of me) Yes, I'm one of "those" moms.
After a hike over a ton of rocks and we made it to our first tide pool destination.

The kids had a blast. Our guide led us on a longer and rockier trek to what were to be even better tide pools. They definitely were. Buddy was so over climbing on rocks at this point.
We all made it back to the beach with only a few kids that fell, scraped their legs or backs on rocks or bit it while climbing on rocks. I was so happy to be back on the boat. I was ready to go home. As we left we circled the island for this shot of sea lions soaking in the sun. It's hard to see them - but they are the there.

The Anacapa Island Arch
On the way back to Ventura Harbor we encountered another mega pod of dolphins. It was so fun to see once again before making it home.

Most of the children were wiped out on the way back home.
And Buddy was still smiling..... I love that boy so much!!!

1 comment:

MissJordyPants said...

What a great field trip! I didn't know that island was there.

Love love love the exhausted children. Nothing like running yourself into the ground with fun!