Thursday, March 13, 2008

17 Years Ago Today cont'd.....

March 13, 1991

After I found out that I would not be delivering that day I went to breakfast with my sister and dad (who had surprised me by showing up the day before). Even though I wasn't going to be having my little girl that day I still got to have breakfast with my dad and sister. I was craving strawberry crepes from IHOP big time! Strawberry crepes were about the only thing I craved while I was pregnant.

We enjoyed our breakfast together and then I went home to rest (I had caught a cold and was not feeling too well) and to also re-check the items in my "labor bag". This was a bag I had packed with all my goodies my Lamaze instructor had recommended. All I remember having in there were tube socks (because your feet get really cold), tennis balls (to help massage the back in case of back labor) and a Snickers bar (because I love Snickers). Everything was all ready to go.

Now all I had to do was just wait.

to be continued.....

1 comment:

AliGoesBlogWild said...

I can't stand the suspense, Missy!! Spill the deets!