Thursday, April 24, 2008

Being a Better Missy

I've made a commitment to myself to be a better, healthier, more productive, more organized Missy.

Step 1 - I was in such a bad habit of having my morning sugar-free non-fat Vanilla latte everyday that I would get bad headaches if I didn't have it. Really bad for me and not to mention expensive. What did I do? I stopped by Albertsons picked up a can of General Foods International Coffee. For what it costs for around 2 lattes I can have a 8. Step 2 - Exercise! I used to work out religiously back in the day. I just don't have the time anymore during the day. I was feeling blah and yuck. What did I do? I've started waking up at 4:45am to be out of the house by 5:00am to go walking. My friend and I walk for an hour up in the hills near where I live. These are steep steep streets and are a great workout. I'm feeling much much better, sore as heck but feeling better about myself. 5:00 is early and even though I'm sleepy - I feel so much better after my walk.
Step 3 - Get to work earlier. This has been easier because of 1 and 2. I don't stop in the morning for coffee and I'm up earlier so this has been quick easy.

Step 4 - Start the work day off right. I had gotten into the bad habit of checking my Google Reader as soon as I got to work which would cause me to get very distracted and not be a good little worker. What did I do? I've set a rule for myself - I can't check anything until after I've gotten three things accomplished and off my desk. This has helped a lot!

Step 5 - Organize my life better. Sometimes I think I have it all together and am so organized until I start reading all the fun stuff on this blog. I need to do a better job of organizing my house, office, finances, life.


weezermonkey said...

I am totally guilty of #4!

With Love ~ csunsweetie said...

I stopped doing #1 and instead using the flavored creamers at work with regular coffee. I usually treat myself on pay day fridays (twice a month).

Also guilty of #4, except replace google reader with myspace & the knot :o(

Anonymous said...

Much props for getting up at 4:45!

Winnie said...

Totally guilty of #4 here :)

Nanette said...

I'm very impressed!!!