Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day 2004

One of my most favorite Mother's Day was 4 years ago. I was given tickets to an Angel game. My first time ever to the "Big A".
We arrived really early so we could soak everything in. The seats were awesome. We were on the first base side right up at the rail.

Parents don't let your children do this - it is not allowed. oops.. But how cute does he look???

As we were getting all situated one of the workers approached us and asked how old my son was. They were looking for children to participate in the pop fly contest. Buddy was too young but we piped up and said that Daughter played softball. He asked if she wanted to do it and she shrugged and said "sure". Nothing phases that girl. They had her go down on the field and because it was Mother's Day it was only fitting her mother accompany her! : ) They had her practice a couple pop flies and one of the players came over to help her - remember this was my first time here and I didn't know any of the player's names so I was clueless who this Jose Guillen was giving my daughter tips on how to catch the pop fly.
After warming up they had her catch three balls and for each they would giver her a prize. Baby girl caught them all and ended up on the jumbo screen.

As I had mentioned, this was our first time at the stadium or watch an Angel game. We had no idea how truly awesome it was to have Vladdy catch a ball literally over my head. No clue who he was at that time... silly clueless Missy.

Hello Cutie

To be honest, I can't remember if they won or not. I just know that this was one of my most favorite Mother's Day and the day I became an Angel fan.

My sister and Daughter

It was a beautiful day


Winnie said...

Wow! What a memorable mother's day.

weezermonkey said...

What an incredible experience! Your little Buddy is so freakin' cute. :)

Nanette said...

Very cool! Happy mother's day to you! :)

10yearstogether said...

Awwww! Happy Mother's Day to you and your beautiful family.