Friday, May 30, 2008


I received a text from my friend K this morning....

"Did you know that there is an off site meeting today? Carrie Bradshw is speaking at 'Edwards' Air Force Base" this meant "Take a long lunch today and let's go see Sex and the City at Edwards Theater". Back in the day when she and I worked for the Government we would have totally done this. Actually we did... twice. We went to see Phenomenon with John Travolta (this movie makes me bawl every time I see it) and Batman (can't remember if it was 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, ...)

We had such a good time working together. We worked hard but we also had a lot of fun. We often would still the engineer's Cushman and take a cruise around the base.

Or have margaritas at lunch and come back a little tipsy.

We had a lot of fun....

But getting back to my original thought - I never really got into SATC. I didn't have HBO when it was all the rage and would catch an episode every now and then when it was in syndication. But never was bit by the Carrie or Miranda bug. I liked it but never made it a point to remember when it was on so I wouldn't miss an episode.
Do I have to turn in my "girl card"? I hope not...
Needless to say - even though I'm not a huge fan - I'd go see this in a heart beat with K. But not during work, I've grown soft with age.


weezermonkey said...

I heart you.

SATC is insipid.

Winnie said...

I never had cable but I got all six seasons on DVDs :-P I knew the monkey wouldn't like SATC . . . but I really thought you would. Hmph.