Monday, January 7, 2008

What He Got

I've mentioned a few times how much I loooove my Christmas gift from J. So what did I get him?? He had mentioned a few times how much he wanted to have our "speeches" from our wedding framed - so I did. We saved the actual papers we read from at our wedding and I'm so glad we did. It turned out very nice. And we was so happy with it.

We both decided to write something nice to say to each other at our wedding. We had decided this months in advance of the wedding but I could never figure out what exactly I wanted to say. Until I was talking with one of my best friends about a list we had made years ago when we worked together. This list came from this book. And then I knew what I would say to him.We were given a list of characteristics we would want in a mate and were to put them in the order of importance to us. My friend and I worked and worked on our "lists" until we perfected them based on what each of us wanted in a person. That was 15 years ago that I made that list and have had it ever since. I've kept it as a reminder of what I want in a soul mate and not to settle for anything less than what I was looking for.

I told him that I no longer needed my list - that I had indeed found my soul mate and that my search was over when I found him. (awwwww - corny I know).

His words were beautiful and brought me to tears.

So now we have them framed and hanging in our room as a reminder of what we said to each other that day. A day I will not forget. : )

1 comment:

That Girl said...

That's a really beautiful and heartfelt gift