It's been quite a few months since I've coupon shopped using Teri's List for shopping but yesterday I reaffirmed that it does pay to take the extra time and be a smart shopper. I saved close to 50% on my shopping trip yesterday. What would have been a $225.24 bill came to $122. Woo Hoo.
I'm not going to lie - it is a time consuming process but once you get your system down it's quite easy (and for dorks like me, it's fun).
Here is my system:
Ralphs is the only store right now that doubles coupons so I only shop there. Advertisements from Ralphs are mailed on Tuesdays - sales run from Wednesday - Tuesday.
Sunday morning I Log in to to get THE LIST.
Sunday-Tuesday - Shop with TERI'$ $HOPPING LI$T
Make sure you have your coffee. : )
I print out the list of the items I want to buy.
Start cutting - everything. Even the things you don't think you'll ever use. Sometimes they will be free and you could give them away or find a use for them. (except for items you KNOW for sure you won't use)
I have an idea of what coupons I'm looking for off of the list so I put those in a pile and the ones I'm not going to use that week I'll put them in piles so I can file them after I'm done.
File the ones I'm not going to use this shopping trip.
I have a good idea of the layout of the store so I put the coupons I'm going to be using in groups according to the aisles.
I take my list, grouped coupons and filed coupons with me to the store. I refer back to the list while I'm shopping just to be sure I'm using the right coupon, have the right item, etc.
I've found that if I take an envelope to put the coupons in AFTER I've found the right product I save a lot of time. So when I get to the check out I give them the ones in the envelope.
I also take my filed coupons with me - some times something might be on sale and I have a coupon for it but it's not on the list.
I know the process sounds tedious and way too time consuming but once you have your own system down shopping with be a lot less of a pain.
I buy things even if I don't need them at that time - I like to have nice stocked cabinets. So I have it when I need it and don't have to pay full price.
missy, how do you file your coupons? by item type? expiration date?
i j/have a huge pile that i am constantly reviewing. :P
~ pinktrojan :)
Is doubling a local thing? The Pavilions by me doubles coupons also/
I tried this about 2 months ago and I did save loads of $$, but I had a problem with computer coupons at Vons. Not all grocery stores accept computer coupons. Ralph does when they want to and Vons doesn't at all, at least the Vons close to me.
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