Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dear Co-worker....

Dear Co-worker,

It annoys me to no end when I send an e-mail to you and you immediately come into my office and ask "So, what do you want?" I can almost guarantee that as soon as I hit "send" I will hear you coming down the hall in 3.5 seconds only to ask "What are you saying?". I carefully draft my e-mails to you, writing things in the simplest terms possible. Yet, you don't take the time to read through them and try to understand what I am saying or asking.

If I wanted to chit chat, I would have come to your office or picked up the phone and called you. I don't have that time nor do I want to chat with you. I'm sorry if I'm harsh, I'm just tired of this... 9 flipping years....


Your irritated co-worker


weezermonkey said...

So annoying!

Da Fashionista said...

work is a comedy of errors. i've given up.

Winnie said...

Next time, you should send her this email:

"Dear co-worker,
If you don't come running to my office now, I'll give you $20."